About Us

Building Resilient Cities

We are an urban & regional planning establishment that works with governments at all levels, community groups, non-profits, businesses, investors, and developers. We believe that cities and communities should  should be livable, accessible,  hazard risks’ free and be safe generally for families and businesses. So we consult for multilateral agencies,  governments and communities across the country to plan for the needs of their citizens in the face of growing challenges like climate change and resource depletion. We also invest in land use management, sites and services  and also property development in partnership with relevant professional firms in the building industry. With our development partners, we  are able to provide services and consultancies at different stages in the project lifecycle.  We work with clients from the private individuals and businesses to large-scale projects like urban regeneration, new town development and layout designs of residential/commercial and higher educational Institutions.
Our aim is to improve the quality of life for all by building resilient and sustainable cities.  

Homes and Property Development

Our team of seasoned professionals and partners work closely with our clients during every stage of conceptualization/studies, design and through construction management and beyond.

Disaster Risk Reduction

The best way to protect people from disaster is to prevent it from happening, so we take a proactive approach to our work. We focus on preventive measures through the disaster risk reduction paradigm.

Urban & Regional Planning

We believe that investing in the building of resilient cities and communities is the most effective way to prevent hazard risks like like flooding and building collapse in our urban area.

Dr. Olusegun Edward Ojo

Founder - Edward Sampsons Co. Ltd

Dr Ojo is the Founder and Managing Partner of Edward Sampsons. In recognition of his effort and achievements in advancing urban planning and disaster risk reduction issues in Nigeria and ECOWAS subregion in the last 30 and 14 years respectively, Dr Ojo was appointed by United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) Geneva in 2011 as a Global Champion on “Making Cities Resilient Campaign in Nigeria, 2010-2015”. In 2018/2020 was appointed by UNICEF to Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction into Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in 9 States of Nigeria. He was also a World Bank Consultant to develop the new “ECOWAS Disaster Risk Reduction Programme of Action (2015-2030)” according to Sendai Framework of Action on DRR, July-December, 2015.

Dr. Ojo is a specialist in mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and climate related issues into national development policies and the promotion of resilient cities against disasters. He was the past National Focal Person on Disaster Risk Reduction in Nigeria; and in 2008 was appointed the Chairman of the UN/ISDR and AU led African Advisory Group on Disaster Risk Reduction to promote disaster risk reduction across the continent. While in NEMA as a Director, Dr Ojo designed and coordinated explorative disaster risk reduction pilot studies in six (6) states namely Bayelsa, Lagos, Niger, Ebonyi, Katsina and Adamawa states in Nigeria. Now on voluntary retirement, he is fully back to active urban planning practice and development of residential homes and properties at Edward Sampsons & Co Lt

Copyright Edward Sampson 2022

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